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Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s Inspirational Visit to Bangkok, Thailand: Strengthening Faith and Humanitarian Engagement

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s Inspirational Visit to Bangkok, Thailand: Strengthening Faith and Humanitarian Engagement


Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, revered as the Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), embarked on a transformative pastoral journey. This time, his voyage took him to the captivating landscapes of Thailand, where he led a reverent worship service dedicated to God’s glory.

A Spiritual Resonance:

During this profound worship gathering, Brother Eduardo Manalo delivered an impassioned and uplifting sermon that struck a deep chord within the hearts of the congregants. His discourse resounded with the essence of God’s limitless protection and unwavering support for His people. In his words, he reminded the devoted believers of the abundance of blessings that await those who faithfully heed God’s call.

Renewed Faith and Unity:

The worship service emerged as an invaluable opportunity for the congregation to fortify their faith and rejuvenate their unwavering commitment to the Divine. As they congregated to collectively worship and draw strength from one another, a sense of spiritual renewal permeated the atmosphere.

Humanitarian Compassion in Action:

Coinciding with the worship service, the Felix Y. Manalo Foundation orchestrated a benevolent endeavor known as “Care for Humanity.” This impactful initiative was designed to extend aid and solace to those facing adversity, distributing care packages as a symbol of compassion.

Distinguished Attendees:

Among the esteemed attendees, H.E. Millicent Cruz Paredes, the Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines to Thailand, graced the event. Her presence highlighted the gratitude for the Church’s philanthropic endeavors, showcasing the alignment of purpose in serving humanity.

A Beacon of Hope:

The Care for Humanity event beautifully underscored the Church’s enduring commitment to humanity’s welfare, acting as a catalyst for positive societal transformation. Through an array of humanitarian projects, the Felix Y. Manalo Foundation continues to touch countless lives, a testament to the Church’s resolute dedication to alleviating human suffering.

Global Outreach and Spiritual Inspiration:

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s visit to Thailand not only served as a source of spiritual upliftment for the congregation but also underscored the Church’s global mission of unity, compassion, and love across diverse backgrounds. His presence and guidance resonated deeply, reinforcing a sense of belonging within a worldwide community of faith.

A Legacy of Hope:

Such events serve as tangible embodiments of the Church’s unwavering commitment to fulfilling its divine mandate and instilling hope in the lives of many. Guided by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s leadership, the Church Of Christ remains steadfast in nurturing spiritual well-being, extending humanitarian aid, and fostering harmonious relationships among nations.

Carrying Forward the Inspiration: The invaluable lessons and inspiration drawn from Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s visit will continue to guide the brethren in Thailand and around the globe. With hearts brimming with dedication and love, they persist in their service to God and fellow humans.

Acknowledgment: Gratitude is extended to Iglesia ni Cristo News & Updates – Executive News for their contribution to this inspiring narrative.

Video article here:

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo dedicates Local of Ilugin, Pasig City

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo dedicates Local of Ilugin, Pasig City

For the Church of Christ members the dedication of the Local of Ilugin Pasig by Eduardo V. Manalo, Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, was a historic event. This unique occasion was a celebration of the Church’s dedication to sharing the gospel and giving its members a place to worship.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo led the worship service during the dedication ceremony at the Local of Ilugin in Pasig City. The incident demonstrated the Church’s commitment to servicing its members and disseminating the gospel. The opportunity for worship and fellowship among the Church’s members was also provided.

A place of worship and a representation of the Church’s dedication to its people, the Local of Ilugin. The Church in Ilugin’s members experienced immense pride and delight at the dedication ceremony, which served as a tribute to their commitment and faith.

The Church’s members found great encouragement from Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s attendance at the dedication ceremony. His direction and leadership have been crucial to the Church’s expansion and development, and his words at the dedication ceremony served as a reminder of the Church’s duty to advance the truth and draw people nearer to God.

Lastly, it should be noted that Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s dedication of Ilugin, Pasig City, was an important occasion for the Church of Christ’s members. The Church’s dedication to helping its members and sharing the gospel was commemorated.

Photos credit to INC News & Updates & Executive News

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo visited F. Manalo in San Juan, Metro Manila

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo visited F. Manalo in San Juan, Metro Manila

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, Executive Minister, recently conducted a special visit to the Local Congregation of F. Manalo, San Juan in Metro Manila, Philippines, to lead a worship service to God and mark the congregation’s 75th anniversary. The Executive Minister’s visit was a source of inspiration and encouragement for members of the Church of Christ, particularly those from the Local Congregation of F. Manalo.

In his homily during the worship service, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo reminded Church members of the commandment of God to help those in need. He emphasized that one of the best ways to help is by sharing the truth and inviting people to join the true Church Of Christ. This message was particularly relevant, as the Church Of Christ continues to reach out to more people, spreading the truth and sharing the love of God.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo encouraged Church members to continue actively participating in the Church’s outreach activities that serve those in need. He also reminded members of the significance of remaining true to God and obeying His commands at all times. The Executive Minister’s wise words inspired the members of the F. Manalo Local Congregation to maintain their faith and remain committed to serving God.

The visit of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo to the Local Congregation of F. Manalo was a significant event for members of the Church Of Christ, as it served as a reminder of the importance of faith, love, and service. The message of the Executive Minister was relevant, as the globe continues to face numerous challenges, including poverty, sickness, and social injustice. The Church of Christ has always been at the forefront of providing support to those in need, and the Executive Minister’s visit inspired members to continue serving God and humanity.

Finally, the visit of Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, to the Local Congregation of F. Manalo, San Juan in Metro Manila, Philippines, was a major event for Church Of Christ members. Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s homily reminded members of the necessity of aiding those in need and promoting God’s message. His message was fresh and relevant, and it inspired members to remain faithful in their faith and commitment to serving God and humanity.

Photos credit to INC News & Updates & Executive News

Video article can be found here:

Eduardo V. Manalo visits Local of Mt. Heights, Caloocan City

Eduardo V. Manalo visits Local of Mt. Heights, Caloocan City

In the Philippines, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo led a worship service at the Local Congregation of Mt. Heights in the Ecclesiastical District of Caloocan North. The visit, which took place just one week after he conducted a similar service in Tokyo, Japan, served as a reminder of his dedication to helping Church of Christ members all across the world.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s visit to Mt. Heights was a momentous event for the church, who were appreciative for his presence and his encouraging message. It was also a reminder of the crucial position he performs as the leader of the Church of Christ, as well as his dedication to helping the organization’s members all around the world.

Brother Eduardo’s trip to Mt. Heights was one of several in recent years as part of his efforts to strengthen and support the Church of Christ. He has traveled widely throughout the Philippines and around the world, visiting various churches and leading God’s worship services.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s leadership has been critical to the Church of Christ’s growth and success, and his dedication to sharing the word of God has inspired millions of people around the world. As he continues to manage the organization, he stays dedicated to helping the members of the Church of Christ and preaching the gospel word to people all over the world.

Photos credit to INC News & Updates & Executive News

Video article can be found here:

Eduardo V. Manalo visits brethren in Japan

Eduardo V. Manalo visits brethren in Japan

The Church of Christ Executive Minister’s first visit to Japan since the Covid-19 Pandemic

FEBRUARY 26, 2023 – In Tokyo, Japan, the brethren received a wonderful spiritual blessing as they were the first Ecclesiastical District outside of the Philippines that was visited by the Executive Minsiter of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, since the COVID-19 Pandemic began. Held at the Hilton Tokyo Obaida, members from within the district flocked the venue together with their guests and love ones, they were not the only ones who received the spiritual blessings as local congregations and ecclesiastical districts celebrating their milestone was able to witness the preaching of our Beloved Executive Minister via Video Conferencing.

Right after the worship service, the members and officers prepared the venue for their Welcome My Brethren activity catered to the New Members, Doctrinal Instructees, and even non-INC guests. The event was fill with joy and Christian Brotherly Love as they witness the entertainment and performances prepared by the brethren and officers.

Despite the many things that may happen in this world, we continue to believe in, trust in, and rely on what our Almighty God in Heaven can do for us as always reminded by the Church Administration whom God utilizes to lead us in our services and as we wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Photos credit to INC News & Updates & Executive News