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Brother Eduardo V. Manalo: Guiding the Faithful in Worship Services in Solis, Manila

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo: Guiding the Faithful in Worship Services in Solis, Manila

A Spiritual Journey with Brother Eduardo V. Manalo

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the esteemed Executive Minister, continues his journey of spiritual guidance, visiting various local congregations to lead worship services dedicated to God.

Worship Service at the Local Congregation of Solis, Manila

On March 17, 2024, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo led a profound worship service at the Local Congregation of Solis, Manila. During this gathering, the congregation was reminded of the enduring message of faith found in the Scriptures.

Moreover, it was underscored in the Bible-based homily that amidst life’s sorrows and troubles, steadfast faith in God is paramount.

Consequently, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo encouraged the faithful to remain resolute in their devotion to God, regardless of the challenges they may face.

Furthermore, the Executive Minister stressed the importance of relying on God’s guidance and promises, especially during difficult times.

Additionally, he shared insights on how unwavering faith can serve as a source of strength and comfort in times of adversity.

In conclusion, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s visit to the Local Congregation of Solis, Manila, served as a powerful reminder of the significance of steadfastness in faith and reliance on God’s grace.

Through his leadership and unwavering commitment to God’s teachings, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo continues to inspire countless individuals to deepen their spiritual connection and trust in the Almighty.

By embracing his message of faith and perseverance, members of the Church of Christ are equipped to navigate life’s challenges with courage and resilience.

Ultimately, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s dedication to leading worship services exemplifies his unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of faith and devotion within the Church.

In every worship service he leads, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s steadfast leadership serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the faithful worldwide.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo Leads Inspiring Worship Service in Batasan Hills 1

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo Leads Inspiring Worship Service in Batasan Hills 1

A Worship Service to Remember

On March 3, 2024, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the Executive Minister of the Iglesia ni Cristo – Church Of Christ, officiated a worship service to God in the Local Congregation of Batasan Hills 1, Ecclesiastical District of Quezon City.

Emphasizing Holy Living

During the Bible-based preaching, In his message, the Executive Minister highlighted the significance of leading a life that is holy and pleasing to God.

Obedience to God’s Commands

Moreover, He emphasized that members of the Church should strive to obey all of His commands, as outlined in the Bible.

Strengthening Spiritual Foundations

Furthermore, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo stressed the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual foundation and staying faithful to God’s teachings.

Seeking Guidance Through Prayer

In addition, He encouraged the congregation to seek guidance through prayer and to rely on God’s strength in times of difficulty.

Conclusion: Impactful Worship

As a result, The worship service concluded with a prayer led by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, asking for God’s continued blessings and guidance for the Church and its members.

In conclusion, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo‘s worship service in the Local Congregation of Batasan Hills 1 served as a powerful reminder for members to prioritize holy living and obedience to God’s commands. His inspiring words and message resonated with all those in attendance, leaving a lasting impact on their spiritual journey.

Eduardo V. Manalo’s Leadership: Adding 239 New Ministers in 2023

Eduardo V. Manalo’s Leadership: Adding 239 New Ministers in 2023

In the dynamic landscape of the Church Of Christ, the steadfast guidance of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo continues to shape its growth and fortify its mission. From January to November 2023, 239 new ministers have been welcomed into the fold, marking yet another milestone under his esteemed leadership.

Firstly, it’s essential to reflect on the overarching impact of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s stewardship. Since assuming the role of Executive Minister in 2009, his tenure has been characterized by unwavering dedication and a vision for expansion. Over 14 years, a remarkable 4,796 ministers have been ordained, testament to his visionary leadership and the collective efforts of the Church community.

Furthermore, on November 24, 2023, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo graced the Local Congregation of Deparo with his presence, underscoring his commitment to the spiritual well-being of the Church’s members. During his visit, he officiated a worship service dedicated to God, symbolizing the unbreakable bond between the Church’s leadership and its congregants.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s Visionary Leadership

Additionally, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s leadership style is characterized by a profound sense of duty and humility. Each decision he makes is guided by a deep understanding of the Church’s mission and a desire to fulfill its sacred purpose.

A Testament to Growth

In conclusion, the addition of 239 new ministers in 2023 underscores the vitality of the Church Of Christ under Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s guidance. As the Church continues to expand its reach and impact, his visionary leadership remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for members worldwide.

Empowering Ministers: A Recap of the International Conference Led by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo

Empowering Ministers: A Recap of the International Conference Led by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo

The global community of the Church Of Christ congregated at the EVM Convention Center on November 28, 2023, for a momentous international conference under the leadership of the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. The gathering served as a profound reminder for ministers and ministerial workers to embrace their God-given duty with utmost seriousness and proficiency, furthering the collective mission of leading Church members to salvation.

Insights from the International Conference

Spiritual Empowerment and Responsibility

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo emphasized the critical role ministers play in nurturing the spiritual well-being of the Church. The conference delved into the profound responsibility each minister carries in guiding the members on their journey towards salvation. Through insightful discussions, the attendees were reminded of the need for continuous spiritual growth and development.

Professionalism in Service

The Executive Minister highlighted the importance of proficiency in carrying out ministerial duties. Whether it’s delivering sermons, conducting pastoral care, or organizing community activities, ministers were urged to approach their tasks with professionalism and dedication. This emphasis on proficiency reflects the commitment to providing Church members with the guidance they need.

Unity and Collaboration

The conference served as a platform for fostering unity among ministers and ministerial workers worldwide. Brother Eduardo V. Manalo stressed the significance of collaboration in ensuring the Church remains a supportive community for its members. By working together, ministers can create a stronger foundation for the spiritual growth of the Church Of Christ.

Fulfilling the God-Given Duty

The overarching theme of the international conference centered around the fulfillment of the God-given duty entrusted to ministers and ministerial workers. Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s leadership underscored the solemn commitment required to guide Church members on the path to salvation. The conference aimed to inspire a renewed sense of purpose and dedication among the attendees.


The international conference led by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo at the EVM Convention Center was a moment of spiritual enlightenment and empowerment for ministers and ministerial workers. As they recommit to their God-given duty with seriousness and proficiency, the Church Of Christ continues its mission to bring salvation to its members. Stay connected for more updates on the Church’s endeavors to foster spiritual growth and unity among its global community.

Celebrating 14 Years of Dynamic Leadership: Brother Eduardo V. Manalo and the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC)

Celebrating 14 Years of Dynamic Leadership: Brother Eduardo V. Manalo and the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC)

To illustrate the dynamism of Brother Eduardo’s leadership, we turn to an article titled “Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC): No sign of slowing down,” published in the Philippine News Today on August 22, 2023:

“The year 2023 is another remarkable year of accomplishments for the Church of Christ or the Iglesia Ni Cristo. Last July 27, 2023, the Church celebrated its 109th founding anniversary. The phenomenal growth of the Iglesia Ni Cristo has blossomed globally and can now be found in 165 countries. INC has shown no sign of slowing down.

Year in and year out, the Church has transformed the landscape of various localities not just in the Philippines but from around the world. The Iglesia Ni Cristo continues to build sustainable, state-of-the-art edifices and imposing houses of worship. It constructs environmentally-friendly offices and School for Ministers buildings.

Under the excellent leadership of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, the Church has impressively constructed, built, and renovated a staggering 3,852 houses of worship since he took over as Executive Minister in September 2009. This means the Iglesia Ni Cristo, through his dynamic leadership, has built or renovated a new chapel practically every three days worldwide.

To prove a point, here are some more numbers that have left the viewing observer in awe and amazement. Do you know that during the pandemic, INC built and repaired 591 houses of worship? Consider also that from July 2022 to July 2023, they have constructed 90 new chapels, 58 of which are in the Philippines, four in the United States, one in Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada, one in Zambia, Africa, and another two in Japan. Add to that the 24 Barangay chapels plus 132 edifices were built, remodeled, and renovated. It is astonishing to note that one of the newest chapels built from the ground up by the Iglesia Ni Cristo located in Ilugin, Pasig City, cost almost P200 million pesos or P193,347,189.25 to be exact.

It also built eight imposing INC District offices in Davao Del Sur, two in the province of Pangasinan, two in Isabela province, one in Laguna, one in Masbate, and one in Cotabato. Add three more under construction in Cagayan province, Quirino, and Maguindanao. Additionally, it completed two buildings dedicated for School For Ministers in Bacolod City and Cebu City with two more under construction in Lipa, Batangas, and General Santos City, Cotabato. The Church is currently constructing 106 new houses of worship worldwide plus another 136 being repaired and renovated.

Moreover, if you get the opportunity to listen to the homily of Brother Eduardo, he attributes all of the Church accomplishments to the help of our Almighty God. That is why for members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, it is always a delight and at the same time incumbent upon us to help not just in the propagation and sharing of the Gospel but in the works of Christian giving.

These gothic architectural fabric designs that you get to see wherever you may be will continue to rise and will continue to provide magnificence and landmark all for the Glory of God. After all, the Iglesia Ni Cristo has shown no sign of slowing down (link to INC website).”

In tribute to Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s successful and powerful leadership in the global Church Of Christ, we share a poem titled “Truly A Dynamic Leader”:

Truly a Dynamic Leader

Dynamism, strong leadership, full of authority, truly a dynamic Church leader The qualities, proven true, for the current INC Executive Minister – Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the third man to manage and administer The Church Of Christ in these last days, globally he patiently steered For God is seriously and truly with him, so eminently and very clear. Theocratic leadership style framework – where leaders are placed by God To administer the global Church Of Christ despite persecution and odds Handiwork of the Almighty Father are prominently observed as proofs – One hundred sixty-five countries and territories – ever reached and evangelized Presently, members are composed of one hundred fifty-one races and nationalities.

The Church Of Christ proves to care for its members purely and holistically Various activities are carried out locally and seriously implemented globally Non-spiritual endeavors – cultural and social, musical, movies, films, and artistry Including physical fitness, wellness, sports and games, prompting brethren’s unity.

Indeed, the Church cares for its members’ health and wellness, even the spirituality. Non-members are also cared for through the Church program – the Care For Humanity Material goods and spiritual needs are delivered to the needy, gladly and truthfully Foremost is the propagation of the gospel – doctrinal lessons and evangelical missions – Being carried out actively for humankind to have faith, receive God’s promised salvation To live in the Holy City – together with the Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ, His begotten Son.

Brother Eduardo, on his 14th year as dynamic leader and as a divine administrator – Truly, a powerful leader, steered the Church Of Christ with very strong fervor. Edified its members, fortified the faith with God’s pristine words, a true posture – To reach the promised land, the Holy City, shining with elegance and grandeur.

To thy Lord God and His Son–Lord Jesus Christ, be all the praises, glory, and honor.

Join us in celebrating 14 years of dynamic leadership in the Iglesia Ni Cristo, guided by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. Together, we continue to grow, strengthen our faith, and make a positive impact worldwide.