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Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, Executive Minister, recently conducted a special visit to the Local Congregation of F. Manalo, San Juan in Metro Manila, Philippines, to lead a worship service to God and mark the congregation’s 75th anniversary. The Executive Minister’s visit was a source of inspiration and encouragement for members of the Church of Christ, particularly those from the Local Congregation of F. Manalo.

In his homily during the worship service, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo reminded Church members of the commandment of God to help those in need. He emphasized that one of the best ways to help is by sharing the truth and inviting people to join the true Church Of Christ. This message was particularly relevant, as the Church Of Christ continues to reach out to more people, spreading the truth and sharing the love of God.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo encouraged Church members to continue actively participating in the Church’s outreach activities that serve those in need. He also reminded members of the significance of remaining true to God and obeying His commands at all times. The Executive Minister’s wise words inspired the members of the F. Manalo Local Congregation to maintain their faith and remain committed to serving God.

The visit of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo to the Local Congregation of F. Manalo was a significant event for members of the Church Of Christ, as it served as a reminder of the importance of faith, love, and service. The message of the Executive Minister was relevant, as the globe continues to face numerous challenges, including poverty, sickness, and social injustice. The Church of Christ has always been at the forefront of providing support to those in need, and the Executive Minister’s visit inspired members to continue serving God and humanity.

Finally, the visit of Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, to the Local Congregation of F. Manalo, San Juan in Metro Manila, Philippines, was a major event for Church Of Christ members. Brother Eduardo V. Manalo’s homily reminded members of the necessity of aiding those in need and promoting God’s message. His message was fresh and relevant, and it inspired members to remain faithful in their faith and commitment to serving God and humanity.

Photos credit to INC News & Updates & Executive News

Video article can be found here: