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Today’s challenges require great and dynamic leaders who will lead people in navigating a world filled with uncertainties. However, the world is suffering from a scarcity of such leaders who will rally people behind to defy the odds and lead people to beat life’s many predicaments. That’s the advantage of the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ) because they have a great and dynamic leader in their Executive Minister, Eduardo V. Manalo, who leads them to victories.

Members of the Iglesia ni Cristo pay tribute to Eduardo Manalo, the man they call as their Executive Minister (Tagapamahalang Pangkalahatan), because they believe in his authority to lead their church. To the faithful members, Eduardo Manalo is a beacon of hope. He is a light that shines. In a dark and chaotic world, members of the Iglesia ni Cristo are guided by the words of God.

Their love for him becomes stronger as they see the results of his labors of love for the ever-growing church. The result of his works became their beacon of hope. They believe that God is with Eduardo Manalo and the mighty hands of God gave him victories in his leadership.

Eduardo Manalo was born on October 31, 1955. The name Eduardo means “guardian”. He is the eldest son of the late Erano Manalo, Executive Minister of the Iglesia ni Cristo from 1963 to 2009. Eduardo Manalo took the helm of being the Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo on September 07, 2009 (

Unknown to many, the love and care of Eduardo Manalo extends to those outside the church. The many humanitarian works he spearheaded prove the generosity of his heart to help mankind. Some of the notable humanitarian works is the Worldwide Care For Humanity (Lingap) that is done annually on October 31st ( . The opening of the first orphanage of the Church of Christ on October 31, 2021 (

Amidst the ongoing pandemic, Eduardo Manalo continues to teach its members to firmly hold on to God’s words and promises and continue to fulfill the commands of God. With the active response of the members of the Church of Christ, the work of spreading its belief and doctrines have reached 6 continents, 162 countries and territories, and comprises of 149 nationalities. Despite the economic backlash and damage caused by the pandemic, under his leadership, the Iglesia Ni Cristo continues to build and construct religious buildings such as houses of worship in different parts of the world. All these things became possible because of his dynamic leadership.